Human Capital Learning Research Network

Moving Forward Together

Every day, Calgarians, Albertans, and Canadians face increasing uncertainty and disruption in how we live and work. Our economic and social prosperity is directly related to our capacity to adapt - as people, as a city, a province, and a country. The LearningCITY Collective, with our partners at the Alberta Centre for Labour Market Research and the Canada West Foundation, is proud to be a founding partner in the Human Capital Learning Research Network (HCLRN).

The HCLRN is a collaborative network connecting academic and applied researchers. Our shared focus is on human capital, workforce development, and labour market policy. The HCLRN aims to accelerate research into labour market adaptation by facilitating collaborative, high-impact, open, and accessible research. To maximize impact, each project within the HCLRN is designed to ensure that research outcomes are effectively communicated to academic and practitioner audiences in relevant formats.

The HCLRN welcomes educators, community partners, employers and learners. If you want to participate, please contact the HCLRN chair, Dr. David Finch, at

HCLRN Steering Committee

  • David J. Finch, Mount Royal University and HCLRN Chair

  • Hussein Al-Zyoud, Athabasca University

  • Jeff Griffiths, Canada West Foundation

  • Sharon McIntyre, New Cottage Industries & Co.

  • D’Andre Wilson, Calgary Economic Development/ TalentED YYC

Project Structure

To maximize impact, HCLRN projects follow a three-track process:

  1. The hybrid track establishes the conceptual framing and implications.

  2. The policy paper track develops outcomes relevant to policymakers and employers.

  3. The academic paper track develops scholarly publishing outcomes.

HCLRN Series 1

The Path to an Adaptive Labour Market

The HCLRN is developing a seven-study series exploring the path to an adaptive labour market. Each study will incorporate distinct outcomes related to policymakers, employers, and scholars.

  • Study 1: The Eight Forces: Forces Reshaping the Regional Human Capital Supply Chain

  • Study 2: Towards a Theory of a Human Capital Supply Chain: Reimaging Regional Labour Markets

  • Study 3: Mapping the Human Capital Resource Development Ecosystem

  • Study 4: Place-based Experiential Learning: A Path Co-Creation

  • Study 5: Open Learning and a Decoupled Skills System

  • Study 6: The Risk of Managing Risk

  • Study 7: Navigating the Human Capital Supply Chain