Welcome to LearningCITY

Our Collective exists to identify, resource, test, and scale innovations in skills development. We are the organization that learns about learning. We are designed to support skunkworks projects and activities that are removed from the structures and cultures of the current learning communities.

Today, we are delivering on our goals of system-level collaboration by coming together to empower innovative thinkers and doers from different learning communities to collaborate on preparing Calgarians for our changing world.



A City That Never Stops Learning

Confronting Calgary’s talent challenge extends beyond the capacity of any single government level, educational institution, sector, or employer.

In 2022, the LearningCITY Collective released the Calgary Skills Development Framework. This framework was the culmination of four years of research, engaging hundreds of community stakeholders. It is a living and dynamic vision owned by every talent seeker, developer, talent steward, and learner in our city. It is anchored to four drivers: adaptable, accessible, empowered, and open.

Click HERE to download the full framework. Below is an overview of each driver's goals, priorities, and key performance indicators.


Refresh and Refine

Three years later, the LearningCITY Collective, in partnership with TalentED YYC, is hosting the Three Horizon Workshop as part of a larger process to refresh and refine the vision of learning in Calgary. This workshop brings together learning professionals, industry leaders, and changemakers to explore the evolution of learning in our city.

Through a hands-on Three Horizons workshop, we’ll examine where learning in Calgary has been, where it is now, and where it’s heading.

Our Partners

The LearningCITY Collective is thankful to founding partners.

The ability to learn faster than your competitors may be the only sustainable competitive advantage.

Arie de Geus

We are building a Community.

Our members consist of some of the most influential minds in Calgary and we break down barriers of communication.

Ensuring our members feel connected. Uncovering learning needs and advocating for more accessible, streamlined learning experiences across Calgary.

We believe learning
happens everywhere.

We host Collaboration sessions among organizations, educators, policy makers and Calgary’s growing talent, to uncover new and interesting ways to learn and adapt.

We ignite curiosity through experimentation and exploration.

These experimentation sessions are messy, curious, informative, and educational. They build trust, leadership and community.

Land Acknowledgment

In the spirit of respect, reciprocity and truth, we honour and acknowledge Moh’kinsstis and the traditional Treaty 7 territory and oral practices of the Blackfoot confederacy: Siksika, Kainai, Piikani, as well as the Îyâxe Nakoda and Tsuut’ina nations. We acknowledge that this territory is home to the Métis Nation of Alberta, Region 3 within the historical Northwest Métis homeland. We acknowledge all Nations – Indigenous and non – who live, learn, work and play on this land and who honour and celebrate this territory.